Sunday, January 11, 2009

Class Wiki Page

We are currently in the process of naming our class wiki page. Student recommendations have been posted, and now it is time to vote! It is going to be hard to choose because of all the creativity and thoughtfulness that went into coming up with a catchy title.

Using our wiki page for collaboration on given assignments has not only sparked more interest among the students, but it has given a greater purpose for learning grammar and becoming better writers. Now that our work is available for the world to see, revising and editing has become A LOT more meaningful. Class Wiki


  1. Mrs. Trefz- I love your clip art. Mind if I steal it for our wiki??

  2. What's mine is yours. I will be doing the same if it is okay!

  3. We have our own wikis two witch is my 5th grade blog Shanghai Amirican school.
